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Honors Undergraduate Research: 285/286

Please read the information below carefully. Questions may be directed to Stuart Palmer.

All Honors Research experiences are credit generating. Students register for additional credit hours and are charged tuition accordingly. Tuition rates can be calculated using the Tuition and Fees Calculator.

View a list of examples of Honors Research by Department/School.

Fall 2025: View, complete, and submit the Honors Undergraduate Research Form to initiate the registration process. Honors Undergraduate Research forms are due by 11:59 p.m. on September 9.

Research Information


An Honors Undergraduate Research experience is a means by which Honors students can pursue credit-generating, advanced Honors study by participating in an on-going faculty research project. Students gain experience in research methodology and benefit from one-on-one interaction with faculty. These experiences are typically opportunities for hands-on research; students are assigned letter grades by supervising faculty members.


Students could work in a lab setting on a regular basis to aide in the research process. A lab setting could include a chemistry lab, however, it might also include conducting systematic research through interviews or observations in various settings.


Through collaboration with their Faculty Supervisor, students complete the form that details their role(s) in the research process, as well as expectations for their performance. Once the form is submitted, the information is confirmed by the Faculty Supervisor and reviewed by the Honors Program.

Students will be given a "class permission" from the Honors Program in order to register and are responsible for registering for the credit in a timely manner. Students completing Honors Undergraduate Research for the first time will register for HON 285; students who have previously completed HON 285 will register for HON 286. Students may choose to register for 1 - 6 hours of credit:

  • 1 credit hour; An average of 3 hours per week of work, 45 hours total
  • 2 credit hours; An average of 6 hours per week of work, 90 hours total
  • 3 credit hours; An average of 9 hours per week of work, 135 hours total
  • 4 credit hours; An average of 12 hours per week of work, 180 hours total
  • 5 credit hours; An average of 15 hours per week of work, 225 hours total
  • 6 credit hours; An average of 18 hours per week of work, 270 hours total


At the end of the semester students are responsible for submitting a reflection on their Honors Undergraduate Research experience to the Honors Program. Students will be sent an email with a link to the form during the last week of classes. This reflection is required in order to count the HON 285/286 as an Honors Learning Experience to fulfill Honors Program participation requirements.

Faculty Supervisors are responsible for evaluating the student's performance and submitting a grade. Faculty Supervisors will also have the opportunity to provide comments about the student's performance.

Registration Reminders

  • Students will be given a "class permission" from the Honors Program in order to register and are responsible for registering for the credit in a timely manner.
  • Students completing Honors Undergraduate Research for the first time will register for HON 285.
  • Students who have previously completed HON 285 will register for HON 286.
  • Fall 2025: View, complete, and submit the Honors Undergraduate Research Form to initiate the registration process.